Diabetes & Dentistry


Over the years, as more is learned about the human body, a significant correlation has been found between diabetes and the presence of dental problems. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it is important to understand the condition’s effect on your smile. Continue reading for more information about diabetes and dentistry.

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a health condition that negatively affects your body’s ability to process sugar. There are two types of diabetes, Type I and Type II. Both types of diabetes result in high blood sugar levels, which has the potential to negatively affect several different aspects of the body. The two separate types of diabetes can be described as:

Type I: The body loses its ability to produce an adequate amount of insulin, which is the hormone that is responsible for transporting sugar from the blood to the cells in the body that require energy.

Type II: The body produces enough insulin, but loses its ability to react and respond to the insulin that it produces.

Diabetes’ Effect On The Mouth

When left untreated, there are a number of symptoms that can arise, such as:

Gum Disease & Diabetes

Individuals with diabetes are at a large risk for gum disease; in fact, gum disease is the most common dental problem that commonly occurs in diabetes patients. Gum disease is caused by an infiltration of bacteria under the gums. The resulting infection causes an increase in blood sugar levels, which can be very serious for diabetes patients, who already have difficulty maintaining healthy blood sugar levels as it is. Without proper medical and dental intervention, the patient faces the risk of bone and tooth loss.


Managing Your Oral Health With Diabetes

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, the best thing you can do is to ensure that you are properly managing your oral health, both at home and in the dental office. Your dentist and dental hygienist will work closely with you to develop a plan to best manage your dental health in coordination with your diabetes.

The first thing to do is to ensure that your diabetes is under control. Speak with your general doctor to determine what medications you need to be taking, and make as many positive and healthy changes to your diet as possible. Remember that a clean mouth is a healthy mouth; ensure that you are practicing proper home care and attending your regularly scheduled dental cleaning appointments as needed. If you have been diagnosed with gum disease, your dentist will recommend that you visit for your dental cleaning more frequently, and they will also ensure that you are given what is known as a “deep cleaning”, or scaling, to ensure that the bacteria under the gums is cleaned out and under control. If you are a smoker, do your absolute best to avoid the habit, or quit all-together if possible.

With proper treatment, it is absolutely possible to successfully manage your dental health with diabetes. Speak with your trusted dental professionals at EZ Dental in San Jose to build a treatment plan that works best for you.

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